Annapolis Valley First Nation (AVFN) was founded in 1880.
It is located in the beautiful Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia, which is one of four provinces in Atlantic Canada (Mi’kma’ki).
Mi’kma’ki is the unseeded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.
Through education and economic development, as well as, working with the communities of Nova Scotia, we will work towards being self-sufficient within our own community.
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AVFN owns 300-acres of land in St. Croix Nova Scotia. This land is uninhabited and consists of old growth Acadian Forest.
In 2018 AVFN purchased a beautiful 711-acre farm (Webster farm) which surrounds the entire community. Over the years, this farm has supplied many jobs to our community as well as people from surrounding communities. Through new ownership, we continue to grow high quality strawberries, raspberries, beans, and wheat.
AVFN was severely impacted by the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School. Many of our elders attended the school which unfortunately took away most of our language and culture. We are currently in the process of revitalizing our language and culture for the next 7 generations. We continue to strive by taking wisdom from our elders and empowering our youth through education.
Historically, AVFN was best known for its basket makers. The baskets were made out of Black ash (wisqoq) and were highly sought after because of their high-quality.
AVFN historically hunted and fished in Mi’kma’ki, which we continue to do to this day.